Ticket Exchanges & Donations
Unless otherwise noted, North Carolina Opera does not issue ticket refunds. Patrons who purchase tickets directly through the NCO Box Office do have options!
This does not include tickets bought through Ticketmaster, the Martin Marietta Center Box Office, or third party websites.
- Patrons who buy directly through NCO have the option to exchange their tickets for different nights of the same opera. Such exchange requests must be submitted to the box office at least one week prior to opening night of the opera. Please submit these requests directly to the NCO Box Office at: boxoffice@ncopera.org
- Patrons who buy directly through NCO also have the option of donating the value of their tickets back to our Annual Fund. These requests must also be submitted to the box office at least one week prior to opening night of the opera. After processing your request, you will be sent an official letter for your tax records. Please submit these requests directly to the NCO Box office at: boxoffice@ncopera.org
As a reminder, your tickets must have been bought directly through the NCO Box Office to be eligible for the options stated above. To buy your tickets through the NCO Box Office, please call: (919) 792-3853.
The NC Opera Box Office, Martin Marietta Center Box Office, and Ticketmaster.com are the official ticketing providers for North Carolina Opera performances. Tickets purchased from other sources may be more expensive, invalid, and possibly ineligible for admittance. NC Opera is not responsible for tickets purchased from other sources.
We Need Your Support
North Carolina Opera depends on the generosity of opera lovers like you to keep us singing. Consider making a tax-deductible donation today.